Sunday, November 29, 2009

Week Eight

Week eight wrapped up our posture clinics. There were just two postures left to deliver and most of us were done by wednesday. Now I have to study the two breathing excercises that bookend all 26 postures and start timing the whole series to fit the standard 90 minute class. Its seems a pretty daunting task right now. We are still having clinics but they seem a lot more relaxed and fun now. Senior teacher Elizabeth Marshall from Lawrence, Kansas was with us again this week for one clinic and was so incredibly helpful. She was with us week 3 so I was glad to see her back. We had a couple of really great classes this week notably with Dom, our brilliant resident British Bulldog and full time staffer/MC/entertainer. Also Lisa Ingle gave another great class saturday am - I've never laughed so hard during a class with some of her stories - she is such a live wire! We were treated to a pre-class fashion show modeled by the staff to show off the latest items of yoga wear available in the Bikram boutique here at the Hilton. Also, this week was US thanksgiving so we were given the afternoon off and a wonderful Thanksgiving buffet dinner. It was really nice for everyone to get together and several people got up to entertain us afterwards with their amazing musical talents - all impromptu - alot of fun! All in all it was quite an entertaining week. Just as well as many of us are feeling truly fatigued and ready to get home. Week nine, our final week, is about to begin.....

1 comment:

  1. You look great, and a little sweaty! I can't believe it's week nine. Have fun!
